We manage to save a lot of dogs thanks to a collaboration with the shelters of Mexico. Their hard work to save and take care of dogs in distress, abandoned, mistreated, left to fend for themselves on a daily basis.
The Balto Team worked very hard to find solutions to bring all these dogs here, and it took months of work.
Thanks to Patricia, the adoption coordinator who is dedicated to this cause.
In order to thank our partners in Mexico, and to support their dog rescue continuity, all donations will help save more dogs.
Give generously, their work is important, the financial aspect in Mexico is difficult and your donations will help feed, care for, and house these dogs that we are proud to welcome here in Quebec.
Thank you from the heart !
Diane Lévesque, President Refuge Balto
Thank you for supporting us

Dog adoptions from Mexico
To meet the demand, but above all, to relieve congestion in front-line shelters which are overflowing, mainly because of travel restrictions, we have decided, in collaboration with our partner in Mexico, to charter a plane to bring the dogs. For those who don’t know, a charter flight is a private plane and rented for a special purpose. About a hundred dogs will arrive in early May. Small to large dogs will be able to find a family for life here. All dogs are sterilized, vaccinated, dewormed, microchipped and they all have an up-to-date vaccination record. The cost of flight, transport, vet fees in Mexico and here in Quebec, as all dogs will be examined upon arrival, even if they are in good health, as well as customs fees, are included in the fees. adoption.
Adoption fees $ 1475
Senior dog
8 years and + : 525$
12 years old and over : 375$
A deposit of $ 900 will be requested, which will cover part of the costs. The balance will be payable when taking possession of the dog. If the flight is canceled for various reasons, the deposit will be refunded in full.
History of the process
Since the start of the pandemic, thousands of dogs have been deprived of families as travel restrictions have greatly affected adoptions. The dogs remain in shelters, or in temporary boarding, and they are overflowing and they cannot take in new cases. Meanwhile, dropouts and horror stories multiply. Dogs are abandoned in dumps, or in a plastic bag hanging on a doorknob, with 4-5 dogs, some died, others alive and others, made too weak, succumb. Des dizaines de chiens entassés dans une maison inhabitée où les chiens vivent seuls, avec une portion de nourriture par semaine. Dogs die of hunger and thirst and sometimes have to feed on the corpses of their dead friends and all, without ever having human contact.
Here in Quebec, people have big hearts, there are a lot of good loving families to welcome these furballs. Many people suffer from loneliness, have lived their whole life with a dog, their furry friend has passed away, but it is impossible to have one because here it is the opposite, there is a shortage; adoption is a team effort!

International adoption form

International adoption form