AT complexe hotel balto
Several choices available
to your pet
You will understand that your cat will not go outside. The facilities at Complexe Hotel Balto have been designed considering that dogs and cats don’t have same needs.
Cats with a need for calm but still a presence, are on the second floor with administrative offices, far from noisy dogs. Our employees are there to play with them, caress them, reassure them and listen to their needs. A cat tree in each of the rooms to satisfy their need to hide or rule on top like a king!
We value your pet’s safety, health and fulfillment. The Complex is proud to have redesigned and rebuilt its rooms according to the well being of the animal and the different breeds and sizes, without compromise.
Need to keep your companion for a short time? The Hotel Balto Complex offers a day care service! Daycare dogs have access to the same care as our residents. Discounts are offered for each dog or cat more than the first.